Thursday, December 07, 2006

Erik Eastlyn

Nilay: is flynn down there?
where in the world is Carmen Sandiego
no no
Where in the world is Flynn??

Erik: he is here with seeing Saswatch and the Lockness monster together

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Nilay Patel

Whenever you want, “Queen Miss Jessica Mistress of the Universe”, when speaking about Jessica Zimmer.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Heather Berry


A “holla back” girl is a girl that is willing to be treated like a doormat or a *booty call. She is the girl that will allow guys to do whatever they want with her and then will just wait for them to “holla back” for the NEXT bootie call.

*booty call:
a phone call, page, or conversation aimed at getting into your pants. This is not an invite to a movie or dinner, not just coffee, not a casual or formal get-together, not even a Happy Meal at McDonalds. Just a plain old-fashioned "let's do it"

Gwen Stefani uses the term brilliantly in her song "Hollaback Girl", both as a simile and a metaphor. She’s letting the guys know that she ain’t a booty call and that she’s not gonna be sitting around waiting for them to “holla back”. She’s “been around the track a few times” so it’s not gonna happen again. She uses the cheerleading terminology as a metaphor, she’s a “squad” leader not a follower. If you come at her in this manner- you are just plain BANANA’S- B-A-N-A-N-A-S

Heather Berry

You guys take me for granted- you really dont know how lucky you are to be able to know me and work with me and have access to my knowledge on a daily basis.

(After a conversation about being THUNDERSTRUCK.)